Friday, July 15, 2011

My first word was "Bug"

After our trip to Moon Lake, we ventured up to Island Park, Idaho. Before I go into detail about the trip and the barrel of fun we had, I will introduce the one and only downside; MOSQUITOES. For some odd reason, probably heavy snowfall and extra moisture (I hate that word), there were a lot.

I mean...A LOT.

So much so that I was compelled to write a poem about it.

Buzzing, whining, high pitched “weee”
Hover slowly, dart so fast.
You bit my brow, you bit my knee!
Your next slurp will be your last.

As I sit to eat my meal
Navaho tacos with fruit and juice
A blind SLAP towards your awful squeal
In hopes your population to reduce.

All I want is evening rest.
To lay my head and sleep the night,
But you are such a little pest
I have to wrap the sheets ‘round tight.

The morning comes. With sun’s first ray
I fumble down the narrow stair.
My arms, a feast for you by day
My face, a feast by night to share!

Back home where you don’t run a muck
Where your swarms, a cloud less thick
Still haunted by your sucker stuck
I swat thin air like a lunatic!

I'll be posting about the highlights, but for now those pesty bugs are still on my mind. Why? Because I have been doing intense yard work at out new apartment and that backyard is a jungle. And a jungle has a lot of weird bugs. 

I have gone through wasps, huge black bumblebee things, earwigs, beetles that are black, beetles that are green, spiders of all kinds, little black ants, big black ants with wings, and of course mosquitoes. 

But the more I drive east with my rake/hoe/old hammer I found, the less will be coming west into my house.  Right now I have a weird bite on my neck. Maybe I'll get super powers! Or maybe just West Nile Virus. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Before and After

I wish I had taken pictures of our apartment Before and After the remodel. It's still small. As my mom mused, "It's too bad you can't knock out a wall and have two apartments."

...yeah, life is rough.

So, we are in and we're having a blast finding a place for all our extra tupperware. Thank you all for the gift cards and checks. We've been putting up towel racks, laying welcome mats, installing curtains, and shopping for a vacuum.

Before the After pictures are up I've got to decorate a little more. In the mean time, here is our trip to Moon Lake with the Naegles. We moved in a day or two before we left for the Uintas.

Of course, the best part of getting together with family is seeing the Staggs. Especially Steph and her cute little belly! We're so excited.

Robert killin' it on the court. 

That is a tired pooch.

Meet Brahms.