Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Swing of Things

I created this blog at the request of my mommy, and named it "Lemon Tree" for a few reasons:

1. In the movie The World's Fastest Indian, the main character is from Invercargill New Zealand and leaves to race his bike in Utah on the Bonneville salt flats. My favorite part is the main character's habit of peeing on his lemon tree every morning. Before he leaves for Utah, he asks his young neighbor (in his awesome accent) to pee on it for him every day. I figured since I live in Utah and I'm going to Invercargill New Zealand from January to April, that main character and I have SO much in common. So much.

That movie is a true story, and I love everything about it. The message, characters, colors, settings, everything. Since I'm (initially) making this blog to keep people posted while in New Zealand, my mind did a chain reaction/dominos thing like this-- New Zealand-Invercargill. Invercargill-World's Fastest Indian. World's Fastest Indian-main character. Main character-"I've been peeing on your lemon tree." Lemon Tree. That's IT!

2. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Yes, yes, it's SO cliche and disgusting, but I feel like I really do live that stupid saying. Sure, I've had trials just like everyone else, but I don't let them get me down. I have a great sense of who I am and what I want in life. That being said, I'm not the most organized, motivated, productive, successful person who has ever graced the earth, but I'm happy 8D 

3. Facebook and I are fighting. I've never used Bing but have you seen the commercials?

That's kind of how I feel with facebook right now.
NO, I don't want to play farmville.
I don't care if I was voted "more fashionable" than someone else. I know that one's a lie. 
I don't want to add my relatives. 7th cousin 3 times removed? Seriously? 
I don't even know what a "Piece of Flair" is!
White trash status updates. Enough said.
Four people do NOT want to date me. And even if they did I have a strict "NO 45 year olds" policy.

Yes, I'm single and blogging. I said I would never do that. I also said I'd never see Twighlight, however, I did. That was a huge mistake. Hopefully this will have a better outcome.